Monday, January 12, 2015

The Basics

Here's the nutshell:  this blog will be about the experiences of Brian, my 23-year-old son, as he goes through the process of jaw surgery for severe sleep apnea.  It will also be about MY experience of this process as a mom.  I've read a lot of blogs written by people who've been through this, and it's helped me a lot to mentally prepare for this.  Brian has read NO blogs, because he's not sure it will help him right now.  Brian has been diagnosed for years with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome.  The idea of hospitals and surgery doesn't bother him at all, strangely enough, but he is a little worried that reading the blogs might make him anxious.  He is glad that I'M reading them, though, and agreed that we should blog our experience in case it would help someone else.  I don't know how much he'll actually write himself, but he's not shy about expressing his opinions, so this won't just be a Mom-blog.  

Brian's Asperger's makes him anxious about new situations, too much noise, too much chaos, not knowing what he's supposed to do in a situation, and he also is sensitive to textures, in clothing, food, etc.  He's also terrified of needles, which has nothing to with his Asperger's and everything to do with the time that I spilled a container of straight pins in the carpet and didn't find all of them.  He was about 5, and stepping on a straight pin has apparently traumatized him for life.  He still scowls at me when he thinks about it.

Stay tuned!  We're seeing the surgeon in two days, and then we'll know when the surgery will be.  In the next couple of days we'll post photos and give you some background.  I'm going to try to make the posts short so you can skip over anything you aren't interested in. 

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