Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Brian's first post

People have been wanting me to post about my sleep apnea and my feelings on the surgery so here's a rundown of my thoughts so far.
I'm not really that nervous about the surgery itself. That's going to be handled by professionals and I'm going to be asleep for it, so that's good.
My main concern was really that my jaw was going to be wired shut, which would make it hard for me to eat since I'm diabetic, but now we know it won't be held so tightly shut during my entire recovery.   I'm pretty relieved about that.
As for how it will effect my overall health, though?  Sleep apnea has been affecting me for years by now, and I'm excited to see how much things will improve for me.  My memory hasn't been as good as it used to be, and sometimes I forget things over the course of minutes. The fact that I don't have any schedule also doesn't help, but one symptom of sleep deprivation is memory problems, so that's exciting.
I like the prospect of having more energy.  Some days I can manage staying up fairly late, but other days I can't even make it to 9PM. Sometimes I would even go to bed at 7. 

While my mood hasn't been particularly bad, it has been spotty and kind of listless on some days, so I look forward to being happier overall. 
But more than anything, I feel like my life has stalled the past few years. Not that I had a lot of drive before, but it's gotten pretty bad. It's hard for me to maintain motivation to do things across a single day, much less over the course of a week or month. But I hope that now, once I get my surgery and my ability to sleep improves, I'll be able to go back to school, maybe get a job, that sort of thing.
So, yeah, I'm pretty excited.

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