Friday, February 20, 2015


Brian has a cold.  He's only had about 3 colds in his entire life, but of COURSE he gets one now.  He was pretty sick Wednesday, with spiking blood sugars on top of everything else.  By the next morning he felt normal, except for the nonstop drainage.  This morning I dosed him up with hot tea and decongestants before I left for work.  I have a call in to the surgeon to see what he wants us to do.  The nurse said he'll probably want him on an antibiotic and Mucinex for the weekend, which sounds reasonable.  Just NO DELAYS, PLEASE!

Update:  The doctor called in an antibiotic, just to be on the safe side, and recommended a Mucinex regimen for the weekend.  He didn't think it was anything to worry about.  Yay!!

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