Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We are such bad bloggers.

Apologies.  We really will catch up.  He's doing really, really well.  For now, here's the short list of things to note:
  1. Brian says his bones itch where they were cut.  I believe him.   
  2. He has requested pepperoni pizza soup for lunch tomorrow...which we will have to invent, I guess.  There is no problem with his appetite, trust me!  His 2 favorite meals right now are refried bean soup and peanut butter smoothies.
  3. He is still using the oxycodone regularly, alternating with ibuprofen, but I suspect he tends to hyperfocus on the discomfort.  We're going to try using his Xanax twice a day and see if that cuts down his pain meds.  
  4. His sinuses are still draining blood, mostly when he showers, which is gross.
  5. Mega-drooling.  Also gross.  But also funny (don't tell him I said that).
Most importantly of all, I haven't heard him snore ONCE since he came home, even with all the swelling!